
Tuesday, March 16, 2021


08h50       Welcome: Introduction to the meeting
09h00   Hubert Comon   Keynote:  What is an attacker ? [slides] [video (sorry, the few initial seconds are lost)]
10h00       Coffee-Break (Self-selected breakout rooms)
10h30   Son Tuan Vu   Secure Optimization Through Opaque Observations [slides]
11h00       Short Break
11h05   Frédéric Besson   Secure Compilation for Software Fault Isolation and Information Flow Preservation [slides]
11h50       Short Break
12h00   Alix Trieu   Toward Complete Stack Safety for Capability Machines [slides]
12h30       Lunch  (Self-selected breakout rooms)
13h45       Nouvelles du GT (news from the working group)
14h00   Guillaume Scerri   Decentralized Personal Data Management Systems: Challenges for Formal Methods [slides]
14h45       Coffee Break (Self-selected breakout rooms)
15h00   Lesly-Ann Daniel   Efficient Relational Symbolic Execution for Speculative Constant-Time at Binary-Level [slides]
15h30       Short Break
15h35   Josselin Feist   Testing and Verifying Smart Contracts: From Theory to Practice [slides]
16h20       End of the meeting
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